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How the HP laptop battery was used
6th Apr 2011

The best course is real-time testing of batteries under conditions that approximate the planned use of the battery. This type of testing can easily take a year but short-cutting this testing can result in a HP 436281-141 Battery that fails prematurely. The empirical approach to abuse testing is even more problematical.

There are an unlimited number of possible use scenarios, so some generalization must be made to define a finite set of conditions. For example, battery developers typically report voltage versus discharge capacity at several discharge rates. This information can give a good idea of how a new battery will behave, but all bets are off as the Compaq Presario R3000 Battery ages.

Compaq Presario 1700 Series Battery
testing is expensive and time consuming and development plans don’t usually include enough time or budget for adequate testing. In addition, testing under real world conditions can be difficult. For example, what is the average use profile for a notebook computer user?

As batteries age they tend to lose capacity and increase in impedance and the extent depends on how the HP laptop battery was used. Several characteristics must be taken into consideration including temperature, state of charge, depth of discharge, etc.

The safety of batteries is determined by testing. Standards organizations have developed abuse tests to identify any potential problem that might result in a battery causing a safety incident. However, as a steady stream of product recalls proves, testing doesn’t always work.

The infamous Sony cells that were recalled passed safety tests, but were susceptible to internal short circuits that caused the cells to catch fire. The possibility of internal short circuits occurring was envisioned by existing tests such as crush or nail penetration. However, these tests turned out not to be predictive of an internal short. Without the capability to validate the tests through physics-based modeling, standards agencies were forced to accept the judgment of Compaq Presario M2000 Series Battery experts that the tests were adequate.

The battery design process needs to be augmented with physics-based models. Developers of battery-powered devices must demand physics-based models from battery developers. By forcing battery developers to demonstrate a mechanistic understanding of their products, the quality and safety of batteries will be dramatically improved.

Embedded systems that have a feature such as a real-time clock that needs to be perpetually powered have typically relied on disposable, replaceable cells. But many applications need failsafe power yet don’t offer the luxury of swapping out a Compaq Presario V3000 Series Battery for a clock, processor, or system management IC, and subsystems such as RFID tags certainly can’t be easily serviced. Cymbet targets just such applications with the EnerChip CC. The IC-like surface mount (SMT) device integrates a thin-film battery along with all of the circuitry needed to keep the battery charged anytime a system is powered on.

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