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My Path To Quit Smoking
27th Jul 2011

Today is really a very big day for me. It was my 2 year anniversary of stopping of 10 years of smoking with the start of vaping . I started smoking at an age of sweet 16. I used to smoke by hiding myself from my parents. At such an early age mind is not grown so much that one can decide whether smoking is good or bad for health. I started smoking just by being crazy.

Later on after 8 years I realized that it is just making me hollow and I started feeling unhealthy. Since last 2 years smoking is in the headlines as an ample number of smokers are finding it be a much better option to tobacco cigarettes.

I found that in today's market place, e cigs have become very popular and there are various electronic cigarette brands that claim to be the best. So, it becomes difficult to figure out the best among them. However, not all of the electronic cigarette brands are equal and hence I need to scour through internet to review the user's opinions of several brands. Prior to purchasing one, be certain to consult reviews in order to make the best possible choice of electronic cigarette brand.

I ultimately made a mind makeup to purchase Green Smoke. Green Smoke Reviews available on the web were really astonishing and people had shared very positive reviews. Green Smoke reviews made by most of the users are really marvelous. Green Smoke electronic cigarette, when I used it for the best time I felt same pleasure and felt as if I was smoking real cigarette. But later on I found that it was helping me in quitting out the addiction of smoking. Now at present I am non-smoker. I had shared my Green Smoke reviews on the relevant site so that many people can get the idea to read it and hence can ultimately switch over to it.

Next:My Experience Of Using White Cloud Electronic Cigarettes
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