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Our Journal Entry
29th Jul 2011
There are wide varieties of electronic cigarette flavors available in the market. It is obvious that a lot of Electronic Cigarette smokers enjoy different flavor of Electronic Cigarettes. Variant flavors are the point due to which young smokers are generally being allured. By the usage of tobacco cigarettes it seems as if they were forced to use one type of flavor. But now the time has changed. I used to think that they stick with the flavor that they became accustomed to when they smoked traditional cigarettes, but obviously I was wrong. Smokers are attracted towards Electronic Cigarettes as it provides them with a huge variety of flavors, and choices.Those smokers who initially used to smoke tobacco and menthol flavor cigarettes and nicotine flavor now find themselves smoking apple, chocolate, vanilla, cherry, coffee and many more E Cigarettes. I have many colleagues that are chain smokers and try out different flavors after a short period of time. It is a joy to watch the gleam in their eyes as they screw their new flavored cartridge on his Electronic Cigarette battery. It is almost like watching them try a new entrée for the first time. Only difference is that this entrée is served in the air in the form of a vapor like mist.To escape the bad stigma of traditional cigarettes is the main reason that some smokers prefer to smoke different Electronic Cigarette flavors. It is now considered an old life to smoke traditional cigarettes, and now that they have moved on, they don’t want to continue to dig up old trenches by sticking with their old flavor habits. Best electronic cigarette reviews of my colleagues are that e cigs are the best anti smoking device. It sounds like that these ex smokers have found a way to drown out the tobacco cigarette monster by trying something that traditional cigarettes don’t offer. I have really seen the huge differences between the smokers of Electronic Cigarettes as well as real cigarettes. E cigs truly helps a smoker to live a healthier life with no tobacco, tar or carcinogens that traditional cigarettes contain, and the great thing about it is that many that have smoked traditional cigarettes for over 20 years can stop in 2 weeks from switching to E Cigarettes. That’s astonishing! What a smoker finds difficult to accomplish alone can easily be accomplished with the help of a fruity flavor. I would hate to think that the FDA would find fault in flavors when they help so many. Right? Let’s hope not! There are an ample number of electronic cigarette brands available in the market. Huge variety of electronic cigarette brands makes the selection of e cig for a user really very difficult. Each of the electronic cigarette brands has an enormous number of electronic cigarette flavors. But most of colleagues are using electronic cigarette of Blu Cig brand. According to them blu cig is the best brand. They are fully contented by their blu cigs and also tell that it is an economical brand and they feel the same pleasure as real cigarettes. They had also mentioned their blu cigs review in the blu cigs site so that more people can make use of their experience.
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