The off-line screen is for our members who need to minimise their time on-line while uploading their updates. The screen is much les intuitive than the normal admin screens but do allow entries to be written without being connected to the Internet. They are also designed to be as small as possible for use with slow modems. It is possible to upload both diary entries and gps stops using these screens as described below
In order to upload a diary entry, you will need to create a single text-file in the following format:
sitename,password DIARY start_date (yyyy/mm/dd),end_date (yyyy/mm/dd) diary_title text line 1 text line 2 text line 3 DIARY start_date (yyyy/mm/dd),end_date (yyyy/mm/dd) diary_title text line 1 text line 2 text line 3 END
You can have as many diary entries as you wish, and each diary entry can have as many 'text lines' as needed. An example follows:
testuser,mypwd DIARY 2004/03/31,2004/04/28 Travelling up the Gold Coast Today we caught a bus up the Gold Coast - A really excellent trip. On the way we went to Byron Bay, Surfers Paradise, Dream World and Brisbane. Next Stop Fraser Island... DIARY 2004/04/28,2004/05/01 Fraser Island Fraser Island lives up to all its hype. An island made of sand - how could it be better? END
Once you have written this file, go to the off-line upload screen and paste all the text into the box provided. Make sure that the first line is the cust_url, password combination and that the last line is END. Click on the 'Upload' button. Once uploaded, you will only be able to make changes or delete the entries via the admin screens.
In order to upload gps stops, you will need to create a single text-file in the following format:
sitename,password GPS start_date (yyyy/mm/dd),Stop Name,Country Code,GPS Location (hh:mm:ssN/S, hh:mm:ssE/W) start_date (yyyy/mm/dd),Stop Name,Country Code,GPS Location (hh:mm:ssN/S, hh:mm:ssE/W) start_date (yyyy/mm/dd),Stop Name,Country Code,GPS Location (hh:mm:ssN/S, hh:mm:ssE/W) END
You can have as many stops as you wish. An example follows:
testuser,mypwd GPS 2004/06/31,Tibmuktu,AS,39:54:25N, 4:16:01E 2005/06/31,Atlantis,UK,29:04:16S, 15:13:10W END
Not that you should use the country codes specified on the country page
Once you have written this file, go to the off-line upload screen and paste all the text into the box provided. Make sure that the first line is the cust_url, password combination and that the last line is END. Click on the 'Upload' button. Once uploaded, you will only be able to make changes or delete the entries via the admin screens.