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Our Journal Entry
13th Jul 2011

My mind set up to quit smoking was the best and most difficult decision of my life. The cravings can become overwhelming, causing irritability, trouble sickness as well as physical and mental sickness due to withdrawal symptoms. There are enormous sort of products available in the market ranging from nicotine gums to patches and so forth to reduce nicotine cravings.
One of the newest stop smoking trends is electronic cigarettes. It exactly mimics the tobacco cigarettes in terms of feel, design, shape, looks etc. But it varies completely in functioning. It will be delusional situation for even a chronicle smoker to decide whether it’s an electronic cigarette or a real cigarette. It does not contain the harmful chemicals which the real cigarettes have. Electronic cigarettes can be seen easily either on web or TV or can be found at kiosks in the mall.
It is true. Vaping through electronic cigarettes, I have found that it does harm either an active smoker or a passive smoker. These cigarettes provide the nicotine that is craved by a smoker without the harmful carcinogens found in chemicals and tar. In addition, the second hand vapor is completely harmless to people around you.
It’s awesome. It really works very well. It does not let the smoker feel low due to his switching over to e cigs.
I have talked to few people, few of my colleagues as well as friends. Even their experiences of using electronic cigarettes are really marvelous. Even we all enjoy smoking altogether.
So the electronic cigarette is a great alternative to tobacco if you are actually willing to give up the tobacco. Otherwise you are just increasing your nicotine dosage and in turn increasing your addiction. A complete switch over to the electronic cigarette is definitely a healthy alternative, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you will have any easier of a time trying to drop the habit completely.
There are various electronic cigarette brands. Its personal choice varies from person to person. Various electronic cigarette brands are competing among themselves to prove it to be the best one. These electronic cigarette brands must be checked out for a company logo because their pirated forms are also available in the market.
But for e cigarette brand my first choice was Smoke tip. Smoke tip has really showed the relevant responses which I had heard about it. Smoke tip is a new brand on the market, but I’ve had the chance to test it recently, and I can say that compared to other known brands, this is one solid Vaping device that does what it’s supposed to do: it’s easy to draw and produces good vapor volume. I have also mentioned my Smoke tip reviews on its particular site.

Previous:My Friends experience of using e cigs
Next:My choice of Electronic Cigarettes: Green Smoke
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