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Our Latest Journal Entries

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Factors to be looked upon while Purchasing e cigs
4th Aug 2011
Are you a smoker? Yes then of course you might be aware about the nastiest invention of electronic cigarettes. So have you decided to switch over to e cigs from your old traditional tobacco one? Like I did. While p...
526 Words | 562 ReadsRead moreRead more

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My Important decision of Purchasing Blu Cigs
3rd Aug 2011
Electronic Cigarettes are in the current headlines. Every smoker is aware about this revolutionary discovery and is the dream of every smoker to have a puff of it. Now there is are huge electronic cigarette brands a...
464 Words | 47 ReadsRead moreRead more

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‘The Tourist’ helped me in making me aware about e cigs
2nd Aug 2011
Recently last month I along with my wife and two younger brothers planned to watch a movie. We went to see ‘The Tourist’ casting Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. I would be describing its one scene in whi...
402 Words | 41 ReadsRead moreRead more

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29th Jul 2011
There are wide varieties of electronic cigarette flavors available in the market. It is obvious that a lot of Electronic Cigarette smokers enjoy different flavor of Electronic Cigarettes. Variant flavors are the poi...
558 Words | 141 ReadsRead moreRead more

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My Path To Quit Smoking
27th Jul 2011
Today is really a very big day for me. It was my 2 year anniversary of stopping of 10 years of smoking with the start of vaping . I started smoking at an age of sweet 16. I used to smoke by hiding myself from my par...
340 Words | 56 ReadsRead moreRead more
This blog has 29 journal entries. You can see them all on the journal page