Smoking being harmful to both active as well as passive smokers is banned worldwide in public places. The other day I was smoking my electronic cigarette in restaurant and was remembering the day when it was banned at almost all the public places. I was so upset that how can they pass a law like that. I just questioned myself what happens to the rights of the smoker. I am sure that I am not alone in feeling like smokers were being treated like secondary citizens. First it was at jobs, and on airlines, now I could not have a cigarette after a meal. If this keeps up, I am not even going to be able to smoke outside my own home.
The next few years, it became so common to not smoke in public places. But then I started to feel different about smoking. It was about six and a half years ago that I decided to stop smoking cigarettes in the house. There really weren’t any life changes that prompted this decision, no new children, or smoke sensitive people in my life. I just decided to no longer smoke indoors, and I stuck to it. Through rain, sleet, or snow, I would go outside anytime I wanted to smoke. From then until now, I would notice that I wasn’t the only one that was not smoking inside at home. As I would drive through my neighborhood, I would notice other people outside smoking, also regardless of the weather. I look back on that now and wonder if this was from becoming so used to not smoking inside public places.
Now that I have my E-Cig I am free once again to get my nicotine fix, no matter where I am. Electronic Cigarettes have given me the freedom that being a smoker has stripped from me. The solution to the above problem has been resolved after my huge efforts. I started looking for all the alternatives available in the market. Then I ultimately came to know about e cigs. But the biggest problem for me is from where to buy electronic cigarettes. If anybody wants to buy e cigarettes, it won’t be generally available at kiosks or shops. If somebody wants to buy electronic cigarettes, one can purchase it through internet shopping. From where to buy electronic cigarettes is still a very big problem.
There were an enormous number of brands available in the market. But I found White cloud to be the best brand. I found White cloud cigarettes response to be very effective. White cloud cigarettes were a bit costly but worthy and provide very effective results. White cloud cigarettes can be purchased from its relevant site.