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21st Jul 2011

I got rid of smoking after my long time trial. It was like the toughest job for me as I being a chronic smoker tried a lot to quit out but was helpless. Thank God…Ultimately I’m out of it. It is well known by everyone that addiction in any form is not advisable. If one is a smoker then my content would definitely help him in finding a reason why one should get rid of smoking.
But if one is targeting to quit smoking randomly then it can be very difficult for a smoker to make up a mind to quit smoking randomly. But one can easily switch over to electronic cigarettes which is itself an anti-smoking product. There are at few good reasons to switch over to e cigs with being confused. Every smoker is well aware about the risks related to tobacco smoking. What if same think can be enjoyed by taking a lesser risk by the usage of electronic cigarettes? Many of the researchers claim e cigs to be a risk free option. Many of them think that e cigs are many hundred times better than real cigarettes.
There are the reasons why one should opt for e cigs:-
1. No toxic smoke is produced by the smoking of e cig.
2. Tar and tobacco is not present in e cigs while both are present in tobacco cigarettes.
3. No staining of teeth is there by the usage of e cigs.
4. No foul odor will linger around by the usage of e cigs.
5. No risk of house fires.
6. No harmful effects on the health of second hand smoker.
7. E cigs are eco-friendly.
If above reasons are not alluring you then e cigs are really a huge money saver.
I also initially switched over to e cigs then ultimately quit out. It was such a nice experience to use e cigs. There are an ample number of e liquid flavors available in the market. I tried lot of flavors and slowly reduced the strength of nicotine consumption.
Many of the tobacco cigarette smokers have already tried it out and had vow over to e cigs and have decided to never switch back again.
The market is littered up with an ample number of electronic cigarette brands. It is really very difficult to decide which of the electronic cigarette brand might be the best one. It is really a very tough decision as one has to look for the best e cigarette brand which will suit one’s budget.
All of the electronic cigarette brands feature its pros and cons. But the one which outrank all other brands are Blu cigs. Blu cig is the most highly regarded e cig brand. Blu cigs offer a vast variety of cheap accessories. Blu cigs are the latest craze that is taking the world by a storm. Blu cig cigarettes are the cheapest brand without compromising the quality. Blu cig reviews are really very astonishing. This I can claim as I used this brand only. So go for it and share your experience.
Happy Vaping.

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