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Our Journal Entry
21st Jun 2011

19th June was Father’s day and I was waiting for this auspicious occasion from such a long time. My father to me is my world. He really cared and bothered for me a lot. I am well placed now only because of him. I never got the chance to thank him for what he did. But now I have got a chance to wish as well as thank him through the medium of Father’s Day. I am a bit perplexed about the gift which I should give him on this occasion.

He is a real chain smoker. He tried a lot to drag himself out of it. But was never able to do so. He wants to get rid of this health hazardous addiction of smoking. I suddenly got an idea to gift him something unique which can help him to quit out of this addiction. I searched out for all the ant-smoking products available in the market and ultimately found electronic cigarette reviews to be the best one. Best electronic cigarette reviews claims the smoker to quit his addiction in a short period of time with little bit of firm determination. By looking at electronic cigarette reviews I found it to be the best anti-smoking product and planned to purchase it.

There are various electronic cigarette brands available in the market. But the one which is presently the best seller is v2 cig. V2 cigs is basically the most branded and reputed brand which has changed the lives of many people. Best electronic cigarette reviews state that most of the people who were occasional smokers quit out smoking at once and the chain smokers quit out after some time.

I ultimately placed an order through internet shopping for v2 cigs brand. On fathers day I gifted it. When he unwrapped the gift he had a frowned face as he was not able to understand what it actually was. But when I showed him electronic cigarette reviews he was astonished. It has been only two days from when he had started using it and he has found a very positive change and has found a very positive change in him. He has found himself more fit and healthy. He found that within such a short span of time he had cut off his cigarette from twenty to eighteen a day. It is really a very great change. He found the same simulation and pleasure as he had from the previous regular cigarettes. He thanked me by saying that he had found electronic cigarettes to be the most precious gift and promised me that he would soon be quitting it out with the help of electronic cigarettes.

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