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Our Journal Entry
23rd Jun 2011

We all are well aware about infinite reasons to quit smoking. At the same time, we realize that there is no really effective way to do the same and then wish there was one. But now, with the evolution of electronic cigarettes, quitting smoking is not the same difficult task as it was quite a few time back. Electronic cigarettes are specially designed cigarettes to relieve the smokers of the ill effects of smoking. These electronic cigarettes not only looks similar to regular cigarettes in lieu of design, shape, size but also simulates the smoker in a similar way. But the only difference among them is in their functionality and health hazards. Among both electronic cigarette is the best anti-smoking device while regular cigarettes are the best smoking products.

Now let me introduce myself and share my experience with you. I am basically a guy in early thirtees and is highly busy in job. The time when I was in my college I started smoking but I was so addicted to it that I became a chain smoker. Soon I started facing many health problems and started facing asthma problem. My doctor told me to quit out of this addiction to keep myself healthy.

I started looking for the best anti smoking products. Simultaneously my friend who is also smoker purchased electronic cigarettes. But mine was a bit costlier to the one which he purchased. One of the best of the various electronic cigarette brands is Safe Cig. After reading best e cigarette reviews I found that The Safe Cig cigarettes are targeted at basically three things. First of them is the health of the smoker. The second is the maintenance of pleasant atmosphere around the smoker. Finally, the third benefit is the low economic factor involved with these. All the three benefits made me placed an order to the best e cigarettes immediately.

But my friend purchased the best e cigarette at the cheaper cost. Hs e cigarette was looking similar to the one which I had bought. I was a bit upset with the difference in both of our expenditure. But when I started using it I was simulated in a similar way as regular cigarettes. With in a week I noticed a difference in my lifestyle and health. At that time already I had already dropped down my frequency of smoking from 20 to 15 cigarette a day. I was then more healthy and fit. But my friend was not satisfied with his best e cigarette. Later on he came to know that it was actually a pyrated e cigarette made by china with duplicate internal components. I again switched over to real tobacco cigarettes. But I was very much contented with my e cigarette. He then noticed a difference between branded and non branded e cigarettes. Best e cigarette reviews are fabulous if it’s of a proper brand. My experience with e cigarette suggests that one must buy a branded e cig of any electronic cigarette brand to experience fabulous results.

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