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Our Journal Entry
27th Jun 2011

Smoking is quiet obvious in today’s society. Although People are getting more and more educated and aware about its pros and cons. In today’s busy schedule people being so busy hardly get time to get rid of their frustration. Smoking regular cigarette is the best way considered to get out of it. But simultaneously smoking is also threatening the lives of not only active smokers but also passive smokers who are unintentionally forced to smoke.

Smoking makes me think insecured about my husband as well about my family. My husband who was a chronic chain smoker . As his work load increased his frequency of consumption of cigarette smoking also increased. It not only affected his life but also others present in our family mainly children. Smoking was not only affecting the health of my children but also their immune system was weakening. I was very much worried.

I used to explain my husband about its bad impact but he was not ready to give up his addiction. Actually he was afraid of the cravings caused by the no intake of tobacco. I ultimately firmly decided to quit him out of this addiction. Valentines day was approaching. He asked me for the gift which I was I need of. I took a promise from him that he would try to quit out of his addiction of smoking and gifted him electronic cigarettes which I found to be the best anti smoking product available in the market. From then onwards he started using electronic cigarettes.

It was really difficult to decide to buy e cigarette of which brand . There are an enormous number of electronic cigarette brands available in the market. But after checking blu cigs review, I found blu cigs to be the best one. It was really difficult to decide from where to buy electronic cigarettes. I ultimately came to know that I can purchase it through internet shopping and finally placed an order for electronic cigarettes of blu cigs brand. Blu cigs, I found it to be the best seller product. Although there are various electronic brands available in the market but I found some sits selling pyrated electronic cigarettes at very cheap rates.

When he started using blu cigs electronic cigarette hefound that it is similar to regular cigarette in lieu of design, shape etc. He was simulated in the same manner as that of regular cigarettes. He soon dropped down his frequency of smoking and his intensity of e liquid. Now we were not affected by smoke as it releases only water vapors. Now after four months he has almost quit out his addiction of smoking. Now I am completely tension free and we all are enjoying a happy life.

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