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Our Journal Entry
30th Jun 2011

On every new year’s eve I used to take a resolution of quitting out the addiction of smoking. I always believed that I will be able to do so. Each year I kept my promise for two to three days then again started smoking. I might be the biggest resolution breaker. It was not that I was not interested in quitting out the addiction of smoking. I understood that If I have come so far and have made up my mind to give it a try, this still doesn’t mean I have reached the goal.

I started looking for different options of outwitting the habit – one of which is the systematic usage of electronic cigarettes. Now the next question was -” What sort of electronic cigarettes would be best for me?”. After reading Best electronic cigarette reviews I found that its much better than real cigarettes in terms of simulating effect, eco-friendliness, looks, flavors etc. The market offers a variety of electronic cigarettes which really made my decision perplexed. Now to make decision according to price and quality was my ordeal. Although I also have read few negative electronic cigarette reviews but an ample number of electronic cigarette reviews were positive.

I found Safe cig reviews to be the most positive one. Safe cig brand name also allured me. It made me feel that as its name suggests it would be safe for me to use. Ultimately I placed an order for Safe Cig brand. When I took that e cig to my college, everyone got fascinated by it. Everyone was considering the best electronic cigarette a magic as it was burning but was not releasing smoke. My college mates were not aware about it that much. I gave the brief description of electronic cigarettes to everyone. It made many other friends of mine to switch over to electronic cigarettes from real traditional cigarettes. They after reading Safe cig reviews found Safe cig to be the best brand.

After using it for almost a week, I have dropped down my frequency of smoking to almost half. Even my friends are also feeling contented by using electronic cigarettes. Now I don’t have to kill my intentions of smoking. I can use Safe cig anywhere which makes me feel free. I am sure I would be quitting out of it within two more months. I would truly suggest everyone to use electronic cigarettes if somebody wants to quit out of it.

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