When you smoke the Well being Risks of Smoking are several. Smoking can lead to cardiovascular illness, cancer, lung diseases, digestive complications, just to name a few. And to make matters worse smoking has also been proven to affect non-smoker lives. But sadly, smoking is a risk that numerous of us take that we do not have to. Smoking at times makes the smoker so selfish that he smokes himself even without caring about others. A user affects his life along with others as well.
One day I was scrolling on the road and watched a man who was sitting in the park along with his two kids and was smoking in front of them. When it comes to a family, a father who can sacrifice anything for his children being unaware about the fact that he is harming his own children’s health as well by his addiction of smoking in front of them. This thought compelled me to explain a smoker about the negative effects of passive smoking on his children.
According to me it was an act of insanity when I saw a father smoking in front of kids. It made me feel strange that how can a father smoke in front of his two kids who might be just two to three years old. When I told him about the smoking ill effects on his kids health he was quiet guilty. Simultaneously I also told him about the ill effects on active smoker. I told him that he must also quit out of this addiction. Even he was looking for the alternatives to quit smoking. Actually he was a chronic smoker and it was quiet difficult for him to quit out. There might be an ample number of alternatives available in the market. I told my humble opinion of quit smoking product to be electronic cigarettes.
He was perplexed when he heard about it. He was astonished to hear that how a cigarette although an electronic one can be a quit smoking product. Then we departed.
I was sure that he might not be able to quit out. But once again by coincidence when we met he thanked me for advising him about electronic cigarettes. He told me that after reading best electronic cigarette reviews he made up his mind to purchase an e cig. Although there were an ample number of electronic cigarette brands available in the market. But he found Green Smoke reviews to be the best and ultimately placed an order for Green Smoke brand.
He was able to see the results within a week. Green smoke helped him to drop the consumption of smoking to deflate daily. He felt comfortable as he was able to smoke anywhere almost everywhere without affecting any other persons help. Electronic cigarette reviews from his side were obviously positive and he literally found Green Smoke to be a miracle. Best electronic cigarette reviews have made him to quit out and Green Smoke electronic relieved him out his chronic addiction of smoking.