I have already written an ample number of blogs. In each blog I wrote about the positive impacts of electronic cigarette only for the reason E cigs have made quitting Smoking very easy. But people who read it thought as if am promoting the product. I have mentioned so many benefits of e cigarettes but did not write about its drawbacks. Till now e cigs are very beneficial for me so I went through some electronic cigarette reviews to find the drawbacks of electronic cigarettes. I got some negative points about electronic cigarettes which I will share with you.
Since it does not release smoke instead it releases vapors so it is at times called Safe cigs. But if you are using nicotine cartridges then it may contain some (very little) amount of nicotine which is basically a drug recommended for therapeutic use. If you are using some other flavor than there is no problem at all. Nicotine can cause arteries to constrict which makes it difficult for heart to pump blood in body. Nicotine overdose can also result in high blood pressure and heart diseases. You can easily control it by using low strength nicotine cartridges of electronic cigarettes.
E cigarettes are much better option but cannot be certified as 100% safe. Some traces of carcinogens have also detected in some brands of electronic cigarettes. The FDA has also issued some press releases to inform people about this issue. Some countries like Brazil, Canada, and Israel have banned e cigarettes and some other countries has imposed restricted sale of e cigarettes.
Now one is aware about both benefits as well as negative impacts of e cigarettes. It wont be difficult to decide whether it is a right product or not. There are an ample number of electronic cigarette brands competing among each other . E cigarette has sprung up overnight so many new electronic cigarette brands are coming up.
One main thing to be noticed is that some famous e cigarette brands like smoketip, blu cigs, green smoke electronic cigarette, vapor cigarettes, v2 cigs etc are almost free from such issues. Now you can have some idea that whether electronic cigarettes will be beneficial or harmful for you.One of the well known brand on the basis of Smoke tip reviews are Smoke tip. It is really an appreciable brand. It is generally expected that by using Smoke tip a user can get desirable results.