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Our Journal Entry
8th Jul 2011

Addiction in any form either it be smoking, drinking or any other are always advised to be kept away from them. But still if anybody suggests us to keep away from a particular thing either it be a product or person or thing. It makes the individual curious. Isn’t it. Same thing happened with my brother. But when I came to know about it, I told him softly about the bad impacts of smoking. He got excited to have a trial of smoking. He got so much obsessed regarding smoking that even after so much of his efforts he was not able to quit out.
Cigarettes are a bad habit, following the adage of the word habit: they remain ‘a bit’, then ‘bit’, never finally leaves and ‘it’ remains. They are easy to start and even more difficult to leave. And many effort has been in vain in the quest to kick the butt. I started looking for the alternatives available so that he can easily quit out. Then I came to know about electronic cigarettes. But finally, there is an alternative to the tobacco cigarettes. The electronic cigarettes are the healthier and the safer alternative to their tobacco counterparts.
I checked best electronic cigarette reviews and found that it would be much safer than tobacco cigarettes. Best Electronic cigarette reviews were showing that many users had safely quit out with the help of e cigs. Electronic cigarette reviews showed me the right path as many people shared their experience either it be good or bad in order to make other people aware about the product. E cigarette reviews were available on the ample number of sites.
I found that there were an ample number of electronic cigarette brands available in the market. Most of the brands had trial pack. The various e cigarette brands are Green smoke, smoke tip,v2 cigs, blu cigs, White Cloud etc. But I found electronic cigarette reviews of Green Smoke to be the best and ultimately placed an order of it.
As it was his initial phase of smoking. After using e cigs for almost 2 weeks he was about to quit out and his obsession of smoking had been over.

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